CSC 208-01 (Fall 2023)



Tokens reflect that life inevitably rears its ugly head in some fashion and ruins your best-laid plans. You begin the course with 3 tokens, and you may use 1 token to:

In most cases, we will charge tokens automatically by noting the time of your submission on Gradescope. You can check your current token status on Gradescope.

At the end of the semester, if you have used more tokens than you possess, those extra “negative tokens” will count against your final grade. + Overspending of 1–5 tokens will drop your grade by half letter, i.e., from a B+ to a B. + Overspending of 6–10 tokens will drop your grade by a full letter, i.e., from a B+ to a B-. + Overspending of 11–15 tokens will drop your grade by a letter and a half, i.e., from a B+ to a C+.

And so forth for every 5 overspent tokens.

You can earn additional tokens on top of your initial three topics by attending CS-related community events such as CS extras or CS tables. To do so:

You will submit your reflection to the tokens assignment on gradescope, but this requires some special instructions:

Grader Comments
Regrade Request
Graded Reflection

Remember that you are allowed to gather excess tokens during the semester to use at later times, or allow your tokens to go negative if you replace them before the end of the semester. Tokens will only affect your final grade if, at the end of the semester, you have negative tokens.